Jenks Voice Studio


Dedication Page - To William Miller

A page I created in memory of my first and primary teacher, the late William Miller, tenor. A lovely man, a wonderful teacher, and an enduring influence on me.

Nathan Gunn, Baritone

My elder brother in song, fellow Miller student, damn fine baritone, and long-time friend.

Julie Jordan Gunn, Pianist, Song Arranger, & Music Director

A fantastic musician, accomplished pianist, innovative collaborator, fellow Miller Student, and a very dear friend.

Gene Scheer, Composer/Librettist

One of the most talented and in-demand librettists, as well as one of the finest song-writers around.

Lyric Theater @ Illinois

A fantastic, innovative music program- “Comprehensive training for the singing actor. A division of the School of Music and the College of Fine and Applied Arts, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign”

Jean de Reszke, Tenor & Master Teacher

The greatest tenor of his generation, admired in a very wide repertoire. A respected teacher after his retirement from the stage, he taught many, including Dudley Buck Jr., who taught my own teacher. One of my particular pedagogical heroes

Pink Trombone

This interactive graphic of the internal articulators and acoustic factors of the vocal tract is both hilarious and informative.
